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Lyžiarsky oddiel Partizánske

Rok 2023 - Pohar ZSL ziaci - Jasna
Number of images in category: 6
Category Viewed: 924x
Rok 2023 - Pohar ZSL ziaci - Myto
Number of images in category: 32
Category Viewed: 674x
Rok 2023 - Pohar ZSL ziaci - Oscadnica
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 634x
Rok 2023 - Pohar ZSL ziaci - Malino Brdo
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 1045x
Rok 2023 - Pohar ZSL ziaci - Solisko
Number of images in category: 9
Category Viewed: 741x
Rok 2022 - ReiterAlm 2022
Number of images in category: 27
Category Viewed: 713x
Rok 2022 - Moltaller 2022
Number of images in category: 41
Category Viewed: 196x
Rok 2022 - Hintertux_2022
Number of images in category: 38
Category Viewed: 227x
Rok 2022 - Cyklo - sústredenie 2022
Number of images in category: 24
Category Viewed: 581x
Rok 2022 - Žampa Cup 2022
Number of images in category: 1
Category Viewed: 348x
Rok 2022 - Goralský klobúčik 2022
Number of images in category: 53
Category Viewed: 485x
Rok 2022 - Posledný tréning 2022
Number of images in category: 33
Category Viewed: 775x
Rok 2022 - Jasná Finále 2022
Number of images in category: 24
Category Viewed: 371x
Rok 2022 - Mýtto p. Dumbierom - SuperG
Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 318x
Rok 2022 - Janovky predžiaci 2022
Number of images in category: 51
Category Viewed: 761x
Rok 2022 - Tréning s B-para tímom
Number of images in category: 2
Category Viewed: 359x
Rok 2022 - Tréning Cigeľ
Number of images in category: 92
Category Viewed: 376x
Rok 2021 - Brezovica 2021
Number of images in category: 251
Category Viewed: 384x
Rok 2021 - Val Senales 2021
Number of images in category: 24
Category Viewed: 381x
Rok 2021 - Hintertux 2021
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 470x
Rok 2020 - Turistické sústredenie 2020
Number of images in category: 18
Category Viewed: 599x
Rok 2020 - Cyklo-sústredenie Poráč - 2020
Number of images in category: 6
Category Viewed: 545x
Rok 2020 - Vyhodnotenie pretekov ZSL 2020
Number of images in category: 38
Category Viewed: 518x
Rok 2019 - Tréning - december 2019
Number of images in category: 41
Category Viewed: 776x
Rok 2019 - Mölltaler - november 2019
Number of images in category: 45
Category Viewed: 812x
Rok 2019 - Brigáda na Cigli - 2019
Number of images in category: 27
Category Viewed: 781x
Rok 2019 - Tréning na ihrisku
Number of images in category: 38
Category Viewed: 687x
Rok 2019 - Turistické sústredenie 2019 - Liptovský Ján
Number of images in category: 37
Category Viewed: 783x
Rok 2019 - Cyklosústredenie 2019 - Skalka
Number of images in category: 39
Category Viewed: 852x
Rok 2019 - Goralský klobúčik 2019
Number of images in category: 48
Category Viewed: 714x
Rok 2019 - Strachan Cup 2019
Number of images in category: 17
Category Viewed: 690x
Rok 2019 - SPP_2019_Finále
Number of images in category: 16
Category Viewed: 577x
Rok 2019 - 4. kolo OLL 2019 - Jasenká Dolina
Number of images in category: 37
Category Viewed: 690x
Rok 2019 - 3. kolo OLL 2019 - Drozdovo
Number of images in category: 34
Category Viewed: 670x
Rok 2019 - 2. kolo OLL 2019 - Krahulská ovečka
Number of images in category: 38
Category Viewed: 673x
Rok 2019 - 1. kolo OLL 2019 - Cigeľský krtko
Number of images in category: 44
Category Viewed: 708x
Rok 2018 - Brezovica - december 2018

4-dnový výjazd do strediska SKI Brezovica.



Number of images in category: 124
Category Viewed: 808x
Rok 2018 - Mölltaler - november 2018
Number of images in category: 14
Category Viewed: 678x
Rok 2018 - Brigáda 2018
Number of images in category: 29
Category Viewed: 1001x
Rok 2018 - Hintertux 2018
Number of images in category: 23
Category Viewed: 988x
Rok 2018 - Turistické sústredenie 2018 - Slovenský raj
Number of images in category: 42
Category Viewed: 988x
Rok 2018 - Cyklosústredenie 2018 - Malé Karpaty
Number of images in category: 33
Category Viewed: 976x
Cyklo2018 (27)
Rok 2018 - Cyklo2018
Number of images in category: 27
Category Viewed: 885x
Rok 2018 - Goralský klobúčik 2018
Number of images in category: 35
Category Viewed: 1252x
Rok 2018 - 8. kolo SPP_2018 - Bachledová dolina a Ždiar
Number of images in category: 15
Category Viewed: 906x
Rok 2018 - 4. kolo OLL_2018 - Drozdovo
Number of images in category: 30
Category Viewed: 932x
Rok 2018 - 3. kolo OLL_2018 - Jasenská dolina
Number of images in category: 11
Category Viewed: 856x
Rok 2018 - 6. a 7. kolo SPP_2018 - Zuberec
Number of images in category: 6
Category Viewed: 973x
Rok 2018 - 2. kolo OLL_2018 - Krahule
Number of images in category: 13
Category Viewed: 888x
Rok 2018 - 1. kolo OLL_2018 - Cigeľ
Number of images in category: 16
Category Viewed: 940x
Rok 2018 - 3. a 4. kolo SPP_2018 - Valča, Martinky
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 813x
Rok 2018 - 1. a 2. kolo SPP_2018 - Jasná
Number of images in category: 11
Category Viewed: 894x
Rok 2017 - Mölltaler - november 2017
Number of images in category: 29
Category Viewed: 1285x
Rok 2017 - Letné sústredenie - Terchová 2017
Number of images in category: 1
Category Viewed: 1033x
Rok 2017 - Cyklosústredenie 2017 - Piešťany
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 1157x
Rok 2017 - Cyklo-tréning 5/2017 - Kanianka - Štyri chotáre - Lesopark PD
Number of images in category: 2
Category Viewed: 1159x
Rok 2017 - Cyklo-tréning 4/2017 - Okolie Kanianky
Number of images in category: 2
Category Viewed: 1156x
Rok 2017 - Cyklo-tréning 3/2017 - Topoľčianky
Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 1193x
Rok 2017 - Cyklo-tréning 2/2017 - Uhroveské podhradie
Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 1132x
Rok 2017 - Goralský klobúčik 2017
Number of images in category: 18
Category Viewed: 1497x
Rok 2017 - StrachanCup_2017
Number of images in category: 11
Category Viewed: 1297x
Rok 2017 - BachledkaCup_2017
Number of images in category: 8
Category Viewed: 1275x
Rok 2017 - 5.kolo OLL 2017 - Jasenská dolina - Finále
Number of images in category: 18
Category Viewed: 1447x
Rok 2017 - 4.kolo OLL 2017 - Krahulská ovečka
Number of images in category: 40
Category Viewed: 1463x
Rok 2017 - 3.kolo OLL 2017 - Krupová
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 1331x
Rok 2017 - 2.kolo OLL 2017 - Cigeľský krtko
Number of images in category: 29
Category Viewed: 1603x
Rok 2017 - 1.kolo OLL 2017 - Preteky o Pohár Drozdova
Number of images in category: 9
Category Viewed: 1344x
Rok 2016 - Silvester 2016
Number of images in category: 1
Category Viewed: 1370x
Rok 2016 - Mölltaler Gletscher očami detí
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 1473x
Rok 2016 - Mölltaler - november 2016
Number of images in category: 51
Category Viewed: 1464x
Rok 2016 - Letné sústredenie - V.Tatry 2016
Number of images in category: 31
Category Viewed: 1556x
Rok 2016 - Cyklosústredenie 2016 - Piešťany
Number of images in category: 26
Category Viewed: 1427x
Rok 2016 - OLL 2016 - Vyhodnotenie
Number of images in category: 11
Category Viewed: 1678x
Rok 2016 - Goralský klobúčik 42.ročník
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 2125x
Rok 2016 - Strachan Cup 2016
Number of images in category: 16
Category Viewed: 1622x
Rok 2016 - 8.kolo SPP - Bachledova dolina
Number of images in category: 15
Category Viewed: 1624x
Rok 2016 - World Cup Jasná
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 1628x
Rok 2016 - 3.kolo OLL 2016 - Krahulská ovečka
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 1518x
Rok 2016 - 4. a 5.kolo SPP - Jasenská Dolina a Martinky
Number of images in category: 15
Category Viewed: 1624x
Rok 2016 - 3.kolo SPP - Jasná
Number of images in category: 3
Category Viewed: 1554x
Rok 2016 - 2.kolo OLL 2016 - Cigeľský krtko
Number of images in category: 2
Category Viewed: 1529x
Rok 2016 - 1. kolo OLL 2016 - Chopok-Krupova - 23.1.2016
Number of images in category: 3
Category Viewed: 1501x
Rok 2016 - 2.kolo Rossignol cup 2016 - Vratna
Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 1461x
Rok 2016 - Sústredenie - Liptovský Ján - 7.-10.1.2016
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 1537x
Rok 2015 - Rozlúčka so starým rokom 2015
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 1640x
Vrvrava (1)
Rok 2015 - Vrvrava

Keďže nám počasie a snehové podmienky nedovolili lyžovať,  tak sme absolvovali cca 4-hodinovú turistiku z chaty Končitá až na vrch Vrvara. 


Number of images in category: 1
Category Viewed: 1819x
Rok 2015 - Roháče Spálená - 13.12.2015
Number of images in category: 1
Category Viewed: 1607x
Rok 2015 - Mölltaler Gletscher 2015
Number of images in category: 41
Category Viewed: 2136x
Rok 2015 - Výstup na Žarnov
Number of images in category: 2
Category Viewed: 2884x
Rok 2015 - Výstup na Strážov
Number of images in category: 3
Category Viewed: 1985x
Rok 2015 - Letné kondičné sústredenie - 2015
Number of images in category: 47
Category Viewed: 2050x
Rok 2015 - Cyklo výlet Jankov Vŕšok

V rámci letnej prípravy sme absolvovali cca 60km okruh na trase : Diviacká Nová Ves - Rudnianska Lehota - Sedlo pod Čierným Vrchom - Kšinná - Uhrovec - Jankov Vŕšok - Nitrica a Diviacká Nová Ves.

Pre mladsich bola cca 40km trasa Partizánske - Jankov Vŕšok a späť. 


Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 2873x
Rok 2015 - Cyklo sústredenie
Number of images in category: 30
Category Viewed: 2309x
Rok 2015 - Výstup na Rokoš - 31.5.2015

Dňa 31.5.2015 sme absolvovali výstup Rokoš 1009,9 m n.m. .

Rokoš je druhý najvyšší vrch Nitrických vrchov


Number of images in category: 3
Category Viewed: 1924x
Rok 2015 - Goralský klobúčik

Ukončenie sezóny

41. ročník lyžiarskych pretekov o Goralský klobúčik


Number of images in category: 15
Category Viewed: 3314x
Rok 2015 - Tréning v telocvični - 19.3.2015
Number of images in category: 13
Category Viewed: 1861x
Rok 2015 - Finále SLP predžiakov v GS - 15.3.2015 - Malino Brdo
Number of images in category: 1
Category Viewed: 1779x
Rok 2015 - 7. kolo SLP predžiakov v GS - 14.3.2015 - Kubínska Hoľa
Number of images in category: 1
Category Viewed: 1724x
Rok 2015 - Krahulská ovečka

4. kolo oblastnej lyziarskej ligy v stredisku Skalka - Kremnica.


Number of images in category: 20
Category Viewed: 2145x
Rok 2015 - Oslava narodenín

Súdržnosť aj mimo lyžovania


Number of images in category: 6
Category Viewed: 2046x
Rok 2015 - Lyžiarske preteky o pohár Drozdova 2015
Number of images in category: 9
Category Viewed: 2098x
Rok 2015 - Valčiansky snehuliak
Number of images in category: 24
Category Viewed: 2058x
Rok 2015 - Cigeľský krtko
Number of images in category: 66
Category Viewed: 2741x
Rok 2015 - 3. a 4. kolo SLP - Lopušná Dolina
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 2058x
Rok 2015 - 1. a 2. kolo SLP - Valčianska dolina
Number of images in category: 14
Category Viewed: 2026x
Rok 2015 - Tréning Cígeľ - január 2015
Number of images in category: 13
Category Viewed: 2209x
Rok 2014 - Mölltaler - november 2014
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 1695x
Rok 2014 - Goralský klobúčik - 29.-30.3.2014
Number of images in category: 43
Category Viewed: 2283x
Rok 2014 - Skalka - 1.3.2014
Number of images in category: 44
Category Viewed: 1785x
Rok 2014 - Zuberec-Janovky - 1.2.2014
Number of images in category: 14
Category Viewed: 1781x
Rok 2014 - Drozdovo - 22.02.2014
Number of images in category: 3
Category Viewed: 1675x
Rok 2014 - Tréning Cígeľ - február 2014
Number of images in category: 39
Category Viewed: 1774x
Rok 2014 - Tatranská Lomnica - január 2014
Number of images in category: 74
Category Viewed: 1690x
Rok 2013 - Mölltaler - november 2013
Number of images in category: 68
Category Viewed: 1747x
Rok 2013 - Summer camp - Liptovské Revúce 2013
Number of images in category: 26
Category Viewed: 1672x
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